

There are potluck groups that meet three times a year at someone’s home for food and fellowship. This is called “rotating potluck” because it randomly rotates people to be with a different group of 8-12 each time. If you choose to sign up for this, you will be given a schedule that assigns you to which group, and who is hosting for that particular time. Hosting is optional. Each couple brings a covered dish and the host generally provides the meat. The evening will usually include prayer for the meal and a Bible reading. Many times a few hymns will be sung together, but mostly it is a time of building relationships with those in our church family. The food is always amazing and new friendships are made. Contact Margie Schick if you would like to be added.
And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,
Acts 2:46
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